Our Treatments
Mr McDonald offers a comprehensive range of surgical, non-surgical and light based treatments. Treatments can be performed under local anaesthetic, twilight anaesthesia (sedation) and general anaesthetic.

Facelifts can provide a predictable and long lasting solution to excess or sagging facial skin and jowls. Mr McDonald offers a variety of different full and mini facelift variations to address your specific concerns and needs. Facelifts can be combined with other treatments such as neck lifts, BeautiFill® laser liposuction, fat transfer, Cellenis® Dermafiller and Pixel® laser skin resurfacing to maximise results.
Eye Lift (Blepharoplasty)

Age related changes can leave eyes looking tired and heavy. Eyelid surgery can simply and predictably achieve a more youthful and bright appearance. Mr McDonald's experience of facial and eye reconstructive surgery means he is able to offer a truly comprehensive service to manage skin and fat as well as transconjuctival surgery (from inside the eyelid) . Eyelid procedures are often combined with brow lifts and Pixel® laser treatments to address all the signs of ageing.
Neck Lift

Neck lifts aim to tighten the deep tissues in the neck and remove excess skin. This improves and defines the jawline. Mr McDonald offers a variety of procedures including full neck lifts, BeautiFill ® laser liposuction and minimal access lifts. He is one of the first surgeons in the UK to offer MyEllevate® neck lifts. Neck lifts can be combined with facelifts and other jaw procedures such as implants and genioplasty in those with weak or retruded jawlines.
Jaw implants and Genioplasty

A weak or setback chin and poorly defined jawline is a common problem. This can cause the neck to appear heavy or sagging and the lower lip to lie in an abnormal position. Necklifts on their own can give disappointing results. Mr McDonald's experience in the management and reconstruction of facial bones allows him to offer a complete jawline and chin reshaping service. The bone of the chin can be moved to a more pleasing position (genioplasty) giving a permanent result. He is also provides a full, patient specific jaw implant service. Each implant is designed personally by Mr McDonald and is constructed by the industry leading Stryker® VSP team.
Ear reshaping (Otoplasty)

Prominent ears or misshapen earlobes can be a distressing problem. The key to achieving the best result is careful assessment and diagnosis of the problem and meticulous surgical repair.
Mr McDonald can treat a wide variety of ear shape problems.
Skin Lesions and Cancers

Mr McDonald can assess, remove and reconstruct benign and cancerous skin lesions of the head and neck. Many lumps and bumps can be managed simply, effectively and quickly. You can be assured you are being cared for by an experienced and practicing cancer surgeon supported by accredited and reliable pathology laboratories.